If Terrorism = Doing harm to ones physical or emotional well-being in order to further ones religious or political goals, at the victims expense.............
JW's = Terrorism.........................
not meant to offend, but think about it!
i bet the people in the twin towers never thought they would be the victims of a terrorist attack.
sometimes the stuff that happens overseas seem so far away.
i look around my community and find it hard to believe that anything is going to happen here.. i live in southern califonia, near san diego, and who knows?
If Terrorism = Doing harm to ones physical or emotional well-being in order to further ones religious or political goals, at the victims expense.............
JW's = Terrorism.........................
not meant to offend, but think about it!
some prominant xjws have promulgated this myth.
some have done so out of hatred for the watchtower others because of love for the ones hurt by the watchtower.. the "taking down of the tower" will not happen.. just as the roman catholic church continues and all of her children continue, so will the watchtower.
it fills a need among the religiously disenfranchised and will continue to so for some time.. there is no "smoking gun" large enough to take down a religion which draws to itself the cast offs of other religions.. reform, reform, reform.
Hi Islandwoman!
I agree with you in large part. At this point, short of bankruptcy, the tower cannot ''fall''
Reform can, and probably will diminish its heighth.
That's good enough for me.
Every story of escape makes my heart glad.
The Tower is aligning itself more and more in a ''corporate structure'', and the more that happens, the more can be done to hold it ACCOUNTABLE.
Enron and Worldcom were never expected to be debased, and look what happened to them.
The main power that the tower has is it's hold on families, and it's NPO status.
I do look for them to diversify to less educated, third world countries as they're homebase. Same old routine, different ballpark. I think that their country of origin has panned out.....
BTW, Nice to hear from you IW, it has been a while, and I always enjoyed your posts! Hope all is well!
the question here is a general one, and i am sure that there are exceptions.. did elders have more than others in terms of material possesions?.
my experience was that they did.
the majority of elders i knew had money, or at least good jobs, and were in the top income brackets at least in the hall if not compared to most.. i am not saying they were rich, but better off than most.
In the congregation I attended (by force), we had four elders. The first was well off, funny cause he didnt work,
The next two were his sons, nuff said
the third was an attorney, big fish in a small town. But he was at the bottom of the totem pole.
I suspect that in our small and uneducated community, that the top three were paid to come where ''the need was great'', given most congregants could barely read!
this thread is about elder stories.
it's about how elders impacted your life.the good and the bad elders.
the ones that seemed to care and those that didn't give a hoot.......let me give a short elder's story.
Tee hee hee ( little witch cackles with delight)
red squirrels by the dozen at center parcs, cumbria, where hl and i + 15 family members spent the last 4 days as guests of her 2 brothers.
i'll post pics asap.
How strange that they are rare in England, I never knew that. They are quite common here, both red and grey's.
Eman, please don't hate me, but we hunt them here. Good eats.......................
try this one.....its freaky
have you ever wondered if your mind is normal?
well, do this little mind
after reading nina and sadie's experience, i couldn't help but appreciate hearing how the brothers are always trying to "encourage" ones.
how did they try to encourage you?
You should have said, ''Smacking YOU would be much more effective''!
Good for you for not going back, the child abusing bastards!
i have been out of the cult jw religion for 3 yrs now, but i need some help/suggestions, please.
i am not disfellowshipped, but i simply became "inactive" after i left home & got married... i was "publicly reproved" once, & was wondering about those "secret files" they have kept on me.
if you have ever been in the "back room" then you know what i am talking about.
wecome to the boards Free!
I would not encourage you to do anything to retrieve those files.
The fact that you are getting on with your life is wonderful, and I am happy for you.
DA yourself is a matter for you and you only, nobody can make that decision for you. However, many here have had to face it at one point or another. Here are some things to consider;
Do you have family who will shun you? Does it matter to you?
Can you handle the reprocussions that may ensue after you do it?
Do you need to do this for closure?
I wish you all the best, keep us informed ok? Again, Welcome!
what's the answer?.
* what's greater than god and worse than the devil?.
* what the poor have and the rich need?.
as to the riddle about pointing the way, being filled, two skins..................a car?
i have been out for over twenty years, i left a soon as i was legally able.
it seems that around the same time, most of the teens who were my age, left around that same age.
for those of you who still attend meetings and so forth, are teens still going?
Thanks for your responses. I was just curious, because, our social fabric has changed so drastically in the past decade or so, that I would imagine it would be quite hard for young ones to cope with the dubs lifestyle.
I think that most people are better at parenting skills than they used to be too. When I was young, it was not only ''normal'' to beat your kids, it was encouraged. Try that now and see what happens to those wooden spoon weilding puppetheads!
Also, I would think the shunning has been ineffective more so than it used to be. I don't imagine it would work on a large level anymore. Most grandma's and grandpa's don't wanna do anything to not see the grandkids. I am not saying it doesnt happen, I am only saying that it is not as effective. That these are undoubtedly some of the reasons for the big decline.